What We Believe

The mission of The Episcopal Church, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer’s catechism, is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” In step with that mission, we follow Jesus into loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, with each other, and with the earth. 

our history

The heritage of Coronado’s Christ Church and its present-day congregation began in the 88th year of the 19th century. Beginning as St Peter’s Mission, the members of this holy community united between 1888 and 1896 in search of a suitable location to worship God. This place of worship would eventually become the public’s modern landmark destination. Through charitable donations, selfless contributions, and devout servitude, several lots of land were acquired to achieve this goal in 1891.

However, progress for the Church was temporarily halted during the great bank failures of 1892. This national calamity led to an unexpected financial setback. Yet, in 1893, the community was blessed with a new parishioner and financier named Charles Thomas Hinde. Captain Hinde was a very successful businessman who moved to Coronado with his family at the urging of his acquaintance John D. Spreckels, a likeminded entrepreneur and the son of a German American industrialist, who founded a transportation and real estate empire in San Diego, California in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Subsequently, with the support and financial backing of Captain Hinde, the first cornerstone of the Church was laid at 4:00 p.m. on September 19, 1894. Apart from the organ and stained-glass windows visible today, the construction of the Church concluded in the spring of 1896. Upon completion, Captain Hinde and his wife deeded the land and building as a charitable contribution in June 1897. The Hinde family also memorialized the building to their beloved and only child Camilla, who had died at a very young age. As a result, a bronze tablet was commissioned on property grounds to remember and celebrate little Camilla's life.

1910 Photo of the church with the Parish Hall prior to the additions

1894-Christ Church (Then St. Peter's Mission) nears completion early in 1894. Later that same year the building, constructed of  santee and granite, was completed and occupied

Uniquely, the essential elements of the Gothic-style building remain the same to this day with its high ceiling, huge diagonal beams, and finished oak woodwork. The first pipe organ, which is a historical centerpiece, arrived in May 1896; it had 24 registers and 835 pipes. In 1896, the stained-glass windows also arrived after they traveled around the Horn of Africa by ship. The windows were created by Bruce Porter of San Francisco. Mr. Porter personally supervised the installation of the windows and was paid the princely sum of $5,100. The cost is the equivalent of approximately $67,642.29 US dollars today.

The windows are one of the great treasures of Christ Church. The great east window was made of light colors to suggest the dawning of a new day. The two angels symbolizing Light and Truth bear the lamp and the scroll of the scriptures. On the scroll is written John 14:6- "I am the way, the truth, the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." Above the angels is the exquisite rose window. This window was described by Mr. Porter as the "Benediction Window." The side windows were designed with simplicity to compliment the great windows. The chancel window consists of the rich deep tones of the sunset representing the close of the day. The portrait of Christ waiting at the door depicted in the central panel has been a basis for meditation since its installation. The lancet windows on the sides depict the symbols of Communion. Due to their historical provenance and spiritual meaning, these windows are revered as priceless relics.

Top, 1961. Left, Church exterior  Right: Church entrance.

There are many important people who support the church

Church Office Staff

You can reach our church office staff at        office@christchurchcoronado.org

Grace Boulard

     Father Michael Foley

Payton Hobbs 

Pam Bumbasi

Spencer Velky

Javier Gomez

Bella Boulard

Church Vestry

You can reach our church vestry at        vestry@christchurchcoronado.org

Father Michael Foley

Yvonne Rowe

Bob Ketts

Julie Young

Bill Sandke

Eileen Alpenia
Linda Benning
Pat Escher
Kate Griffin
Scott Helmers
David Holt 
Cheryl Janus 
Rodney Ward
Sudie Warren 

Connie Lawthers
Parish Life & Hospitality

Lea Holt & Karen Laedlein
Service Ministry

Katy Bennett
Personnel Committee

John Sturges
Property & Safety

Bill Cook
Planned Giving

Bryn Reina
Pastoral Care

Kathleen Ireland
Flower Ministry

Karen Corey
Daughters of the King

Phil Hunsaker
Coffee Ministry

Ministry Leaders

You can reach our church ministry at        vestry@christchurchcoronado.org